What if we could track how GOOD we DO?
We are hard at work finishing off some of the final aspects of the DuGut™ app and wanted to tell you more about one of our main goals. We believe in a world where we work to make living life better for everyone.
Right now, we live in a world where every product bought causes waste, pollution, and other issues which affect the community. Even though purchasing a product only serves the person buying and selling it. This is a negative effect that is normal in our consumer driven marketplace.
This is where DuGut™ comes in, allowing you to engage the Brands you buy from, to encourage them to give back in each action. These Brands will do this, to show you that they care.
Now, we can turn our consumer behavior into a force for good. We believe, If we can take a small amount of each product consumed and use it to offset the damage the product made, we will have a life style that will be balanced and sustainable.
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The 2019 Deloitte Global Millennial Survey shows us that Business are still lagging behind the Generation Y ( Millennials) and Generation Z expectation of sustainable goods.
With DuGut™ App we can now track how much good WE ALL do.
Currently, our younger generations are driving the other generations and brands to adopt more sustainable views and consciously choose more sustainable products. These younger generations are also natives to using technology, and use this technology to spread culture and information at a rate never seen before in humanity. These young activists are our global social power house and the driving force DuGut™ App was created to empower. Allowing the brands to change and do good for the newer generations so they may stay relevant and regain the trust they lost.
We are giving everybody a way to be engaged in the solution and take REAL action towards solving the problems that are important to all of us. With the DuGut™ App you will be able to see how much good you can do, in a fun, and simple way! Now we can make real impact in the community, share how good we do, and have fun at the same time.
We want to live in a future where every purchase is responsible and will take action to do good. With DuGut™ we will bring more balance to our global environment.
SO .... Do not forget to throw a share on social media to our website so we can grow our community of like minded ACTIONISTS!
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